photography+ life

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

2011  is going to end very soon. I met a lot of new friends in this year. And me and my best friends friendship is so tough now. Although in the SEPTEMBER, me and my friend have an argument last for one month but anyway we be friends after a month, maybe i hate to say sry everytime when i have an arguement,haha...I seldom saw YI LIN for a long time already.YI LIN ah,i miss u ,dont argue with geraldine already,because we r friends forever,dont let anything or anypeople break yr own friendship and remember to visit me oftenly.LAI SUN TANG, hope tat we will be in the same class next year, we will have an exam next year so gambateh in yours and mine exam. SHARAH NG, however we have an arguement in tis year, but now everything is fine, we are still best friends right?

Next year, i will experience an scary right? 
conclusion: Life in 2010 is fantastic and wonderful, i love u 2011...

hong kong trip: year 2011

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