photography+ life

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sungai Lembing trip part 1:Tasik Bera, Pahang

Hello,it is time to blog now! I bet friends who had followed me on FACEBOOK or INSTAGRAM knew that I had went to Sungai lembing on the first week of holiday. Okay! i will just blog it according to the place rather than blogging like day one,day two or day3. Today, i gonna blog about tasik bera. Actually,i had already heard it before as geography textbook will always mention about it. It was a huge lake. The man who drove the boat and fetched us to have a look around the lake said that TASIK BERA has the same area as Singapore! So,you can now know how huge is it right? Just a warm notice: do wear short pants to there as it is way more easier to ride a small boat by yourself.Your long pants will mostly get wet if you wore it to roll the boat.And ya,it is quite interesting to roll the boat by yourself. It wasn't that dangerous. So, do try to roll it if you have chance to visit TASIK BERA.
The small boat on my back is the one i had mentioned above.

 A random OUTFIT OF THE DAY shoot by mummy.

 A photo of my cousin sister and I at the jetty of Tasik Bera.

 Our tour guide told us the bunch of it has lots of advantages.
 The lake is full of these.
Super love this shoot from my daddy. Sitting the boat to have a look what is inside the lake.

 EDITED photo! It had been a long time i didnt edited photo by using picasa and im super satisfied after edited this collection of photo. This is an equipment used for fishing.
 The jetty at Tasik Bera.

Spot the small boat and the bunches of those plantssss( i dunno what the bunch of things call  so just named it as plant) hahaaaa

Okay! That is all for today! do kindly follow my blog! Appreciate it ;D

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