photography+ life

Monday, November 26, 2012

bbq party

well! i knew the bbq party had passed long time ago, and now only i blog about it. Lets start my bbq party blogpost right now. We suggest to have a farewell party for Eunice. ALL of us agreed to have the farewell party at the girl-EUNICE house. AUBREY gonna join us for the party! i am lucky to own lots of wonderful friendsss. All of them went there at about 6:30 pm. AUBREY and I are most late to arrive Eunice's house. WE went  SEREMBAN 2 to pick a cake for the party. After picking the cake, mummy fetched us to Eunice's house. ALL of them reached EUNICE's house. OMG! i'm always the one to arrive late.sorry guys.

                                            sadly,SHARAH need to go back home earlier

 cake for the bbq party
                                 the girl-EUNICE ,gonna miss her so much after she left chhs ;(
                                   they like playing UNO so much
                                        the girl with the cake
bing dong with the cake

okay!now lets the pic to do some talking 


okay! thats all for the bbq party!
eunice, i will  cherish every moments that we had spend together! THANKS for texting me,viber me and also messaging me. I felt lucky to meet such a best friend like u. Hope that we can have more and more best memory. TRULY HOPE that u can also have lots of good memory in other school. KEEP IN TOUCH YA, eunice!


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