photography+ life

Friday, January 18, 2013

Everything had its fist time.....

The first English society meeting ever in my life that happened on this first,I thought that it is quite interesting or fun.but no,it's quite boring.ermmmm,ya!.actually,I just didn't know few of them only.  I'm quite happy as I Have a position in ELS. And is only the second year that I had join ELS. It's quite happy as u know your bestie will also stay back late at school! Before the meeting start,we need to wait for the form one students to finish school as their school time had extended. Sharah,cp and me wait for the time past at the canteen. We chit-chat at the canteen, walking around the school area and also having a LYCHEE jelly. Me and Sharah gonna say bye to each other as the time is now 4pm sharp and we need to go up to the junior class for our ELS meeting. ELS meeting almost end on 5 something. Okay! That's all for today.hope you guys can also enjoy and  cherish  your very FIRST time in your life. 人生有几多个十年 gonna end this blogpost with this super awesome quote ya.Guess all of you know about this quote yea! Bye and enjoy your day! ;)

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