photography+ life

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Wilson Proms

On a spring weekends, my friends and I decided to visit Squeaky Beach in Wilson Prom, which is located 3-4 hours away from CBD. The view was amazing, but the weather, somehow ruined the beauty in it. Eternally blessed to be at a post-card look scenery, where mother nature goes so well with the combination of blue skies and ocean blue sea waters.

" Appreciate the beauty in everything" 

Monday, September 11, 2017

How to remove toxic people in life?

Recently, I have a feeling that some people will only bring disappointment and make me feel emotional as I am not supposed to be.  This is not a definition of a true friendship, it is suppose to bring out the best of you, make you feel happy when you are with someone. I tried to change his/her's perspective,  but it does not seem to work. Hence, I decided to google on how to move on from being friends with toxic people.
I found some of them are really useful.
1. Don't expect them to change. 

 It is true on the fact that you can’t force toxic people to change. They may change for a short period of time, and change to the one they used to be, it is a hopeless point to request true changes from toxic people.
"Toxic people are not motivated by what’s good for them or for their relationship with you—they’re motivated by their own complex problems and needs. When you give up the desire to change them, it’s much easier to let them go."

2. Establish and maintain boundaries. 
Toxic people will always make you to compromise more and more, to agree with them, and to please them. This is exhausting, as you might compromise for once, but not forever, 
Give some serious thought to what you will tolerate and what you won’t, is it reasonable for you to tolerate all of his/her temper, mood-swing.  When you get a sense that something’s not right in your interactions with someone, run through your mental boundary checklist and enforce these boundaries deliberately and rigidly.

3. Understand what you deserve. 
Toxic people will never deserve a good person like you who are always there for them. Some of them might act childish, and ya, this shows that you deserve someone that are in the same mentality as you. An obvious characteristics on toxic people, is that they don't really have much friends in life, like what a normal people will do. Hence, be alert with people you make friends with. Don't be happy and feel extra special if you are the only friend of his/her, as you might not know your tolerance level toward his/her. 

4. Surround yourself with healthy relationship. 
Finally, removing toxic people from your life can be hurt and painful, as you may deeply care for some of these people in spite of how difficult it is to have them in your life.
"To maintain your resilience and cope with any sadness, stay in close contact with friends who make you feel safe, cherished and happy. These are the people who will model healthy friendships and relationships, reminding you exactly why you are choosing to sever toxic ones."

Sunday, September 10, 2017

First post about my study life in Melbourne

Hey, all <3

Had abandoned this blog for almost 2 years and more. And, I am doing good right now, studying in the country that i've been longing for since young. This 8 months are full of ups and downs. The closest person of mine, my grandma had left us to a better and happier place.  I had been going on road trip and travelling in Australia more than I ever be for just a few months time. I learnt to deal with problems on myself (etc: caught the wrong bus/tram, left my key no where,....), meeting friends from different environment, dealing with housemate who is inconsiderate.

In this few months time, I had grew up to the person who is more independent then I were previously.  

Sunday, February 21, 2016


hi! Happy chor 14! Back to my blog after years of not blogging! From my previous post of just starting A- Levels, I am so proud and glad to say that I am halfway done for my A- LEVELS. Few months back, I completed my AS examination. Three more months later, I'm gonna start my last exam for A-LEVELS, A2. Tbh, I personally feel that the toughest part of a -levels is MATHS, Couldn't really imagine what if I'm a double maths student. As for now, I am busying with finals and hope that i can get into my dream uni for an undergraduate course. Praying that everything go on smooth.  Just feel like blogging again and to jot down things that happen throughout my whole A- levels journey spending in KTJ.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Late night thoughts

Care Less.Am so emotional for this few days, happy that I had finally done with my trials. But again,this is just trials, actual papers gonna fall on May. WORK HARD.

Care too much for a person. I am those kind of person that will get sad and hurt because of those petty petty stuff. Like those was just a small stuff. Why should I ever care? WHY? YAY. I have truly no idea too. Maybe it is because this person means a lot to me. Probably? I  knew it was bad to care that much. But, you can't control your emotion what. Thanks for always guiding me when i feel that I'm loss either in life or in studies. Your words will always be the reason why I'm still surviving. Apart that families, friends are like the most important one in my life. They are like the most supportive one to me whenever i feel that I have lost my way and when Im stress with my works. Too cheesy. But who cares? hahaha. Promised the bestie, to CARE LESS.

Btw, A-levels is really "not that easy". But then, as what my dad said, hard work and perseverance lead you to the right path. Ciao. off to do some sets of module papers. Cheers

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The super duper lazy blogger is back. Just started uni for a month. And believe it is fun and stress. but the stress level is even more bigger than the fun level. Nawhhhhhhhhhhhh. It's okay as long as it is still fun.