photography+ life

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


My life is now full of hong kong drama,Singapore drama,photography and also my holiday class! It's tired to wake up early in the morning, but it's worth for not wasting my time. I'm happy that I can practice photography by own. I feel uncomformtable when I'm wasting those precious time. I don't like to waste my time by doing activies that did not worth at all.

By the way,I will still spare out some time to watch some drama. Hong drama and Singapore drama are always the best choice for me. Actually,we can learns lot of things from those drama. I had learnt not to waste every priceless time as I had wasted lots of time at the last holiday. I don't wanna be regret. I hope to have a more meaningful holiday.

Holiday classes? I had requested my mummy to let me enroll some classes. Mummy wanted to let me enroll those classes last year,but I declined! And now,I hope to enroll those classes as I had passed my exam. I had just enroll a holiday English classes. It's fun to have some holiday homework with full of picture and cartoon on those papers. Okie! That's all for today!

                                                                                                                                          Phylicia Soong

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