photography+ life

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Taipei Hello Kitty Sweets Cafe

 Hello! gonna blog about TAIPEI HELLO KITTY SWEETS CAFE on today. I had craving to go there a year ago after viewing several blogger post about there.Im happy till the max when i first arrived at Hello kitty sweets cafe! Everything inside there was so pinky and sweetttttttttttttt. Honestly,the food at there is not that tasty and delicious but the environment is niceeee. My family and I went there around 8 sth without making apointment and the shop are almost going to close. Luckily,we still get the chance to have our sit on the kitty cushion! oh! how lucky we areeee. Maybe they close at about 9.30 pm(perhaps u can get more information from the internet as i do not sure about it) We had ordered some desserts to try and we didnt try their main course as we had just finished our meal at shi lin night market(gonna blog about it soonnnnn) Went up and down to take more pictures in the HELLO KITTY PARADISE! okay! nows lets the picture to do some talking!

OMG! Are you craving for these HELLO KITTY dessertsssss?
I can still barely remember HOW EXCITED AM I WHEN I FIRST reach HELLO KITTY CAFE.

and this is our sweet yet pinky sit! oh my!how cute is it!

the HELLO KITTY menu

uhmmm,the food was not that tasty as what i had thought


part of food that we had order and ME

LONGCHAMP from taipei101 on the HELLO KITTY cushion

uhmmmmmm,the Hello Kitty tiramisu cake taste was like.....( bad tasteeeee)

in the pinky toilet

Okay! thats all for  today and stay tuned for my next post. ( The next post will probably is my TAIWAN TRIP DAY 2). Anyway,stay tuned and gotta know what will be the NEXT POST! ;)


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Parents' day 2013

Just got back from school. It was parents' day in our school and i was late to school.Uhmmmmm, i didnt ever try to reach school early on every parents' day.muahahaa. Everyone seems to be so busy,walking here and there,chit-chatting. Luckily,I get to meet Sharah and we do take a lot of picture today. There are not much differences on this day compare with last year as all of us still get to meet and chit-chat with each other about our RESULT.Yupe! FOREVER J3A. uhmmmm, maybe the biggest differences are we are now in the different stream or class. No matter WE are in what stream or in what class,we still get to be together,right? FOREVER J3A

I do feel a bit nervous about my result as this was my first time having senior exam. And there are few subject that i didnt ever have before in my previous exam such as ACCOUNT,ECONOMICS,BUSSINESS STUDIES. Time flies, and finally is my turn to take my report card. My class teacher told mummy that im so discipline(teheeeee, am iiiiiiiiii?) Luckily,teacher never said any bad words about me to mummy. Perhaps im a GOOD student in my class(hahahaaaaaa). My heartbeats when fast when i first received my report card. And yeshhhhh! I had get no1 in my first exam of senior life! My result was in the average range as i get no 4 in 全集. After taking my result, Sharah, Lai sun and i settle down and chit-chat, playing games and taking photosssss.ohhh,how long  we didnt sit down properly and chit-chat together? okay! that's all for today!

Monday, March 11, 2013


Hello! this will be a short post ya! Honestly, i felt that senior school life is much more busy than junior life! But, waittttttttttt,busy on what? I bet most of you will think what to be busy on seniour school life? Yupe! My friend and I hope to have an amazing school life.We do took part in some of the competition. Since it is our decision to take part in some of the competition,we will pay more amd more effort and time on it! I am now busying on writing an essay and gonna pass up it by WEDNESDAY. My english teacher had just chosen me and my classmate to pass up an article as we get good mark(ermmm,perhaps it can be consider as a good mark ) in our previous exam's essay. Just a short post for today as I dont want my blog to be "dusty"! Do follow my blog!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Taiwan trip 2012: DAY ONE

Day 1
okay! finally get to post my taiwan trip(day one) after finished edited some of the photos! Im super excited and curious about Taiwan weather when I first departed at Tao yuan airport.we departed at taoyuan airport at about 2 something.After taking our laguage, buying the bus(FEI GOU) ticket,waiting for the bus,we leave there at around 3 something and the first thing in my mind is how long should we take a bus from taoyuan to Taipei city? Finally,daddy full fill my curiousity, he told me that from taoyuan to Taipei city need 1hour to reach there. Yeah! Keep looking out from the window,the beautiful building,polite people and yea,we reached Taipei city.Our hotel is located at 大安路 and we got down from the bus at this station.It took about 20mins to walk from the station to our hotel.everyone of us were curious about HOW our hotel will look like? Old,new,dirty or clean? And now,we finally reached our hotel! Omg!our hotel looks so nice yet clean and grand also.the receptionist is polite and also pretty.Taiwan girls looks much more pretty and cute. After giving mummy the breakfast coupon and the hotel card/key,we went up to our room happily. And guess what? I can clearly view Taipei 101 from my room,This was super awesome! I can see the changes of 101 from the night till the morning.yeah! And our room was  full of mirror.what a nice room and a super awesome view. after "discovering" everything in the room,we met up with my uncle. It's quite awesome that u can met up with your family in other country!
My uncle met up us at our hotel.we had our first meal in Taiwan at 黄家面食馆. The first meal and the best meal ever!

小菜in the refrigerator

After having our dinner,four of us went to 西门町.we went to 西门町 by taking 捷运. 捷运 is such an important public transport in our trip. 温馨提醒: FOr those who are going to Taiwan, it is better to get a  捷运 card. It is much more easier to have the card ya! Below (the first picture)is my捷运 card. 
 XI MEN DING is really a crowded place.full of people,foods and accessories and also beautiful clothes.and the most attractive for me,is their beverages,珍珠奶茶! Went to my uncle hotel and discuss where to go for tomorrow! And about 11 something,we went back to our hotel.before going back to the hotel,we went to mc Donald Taiwan.Having an ice-cream in cold day was super awesome!we slept at around 2 something and I super love the environment at our hotel!

met PAUL FRANK at Taiwan

ootd: pink long sleeve shirt from mirrocle
leather legging from cotton on
watch from sprit