photography+ life

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Parents' day 2013

Just got back from school. It was parents' day in our school and i was late to school.Uhmmmmm, i didnt ever try to reach school early on every parents' day.muahahaa. Everyone seems to be so busy,walking here and there,chit-chatting. Luckily,I get to meet Sharah and we do take a lot of picture today. There are not much differences on this day compare with last year as all of us still get to meet and chit-chat with each other about our RESULT.Yupe! FOREVER J3A. uhmmmm, maybe the biggest differences are we are now in the different stream or class. No matter WE are in what stream or in what class,we still get to be together,right? FOREVER J3A

I do feel a bit nervous about my result as this was my first time having senior exam. And there are few subject that i didnt ever have before in my previous exam such as ACCOUNT,ECONOMICS,BUSSINESS STUDIES. Time flies, and finally is my turn to take my report card. My class teacher told mummy that im so discipline(teheeeee, am iiiiiiiiii?) Luckily,teacher never said any bad words about me to mummy. Perhaps im a GOOD student in my class(hahahaaaaaa). My heartbeats when fast when i first received my report card. And yeshhhhh! I had get no1 in my first exam of senior life! My result was in the average range as i get no 4 in 全集. After taking my result, Sharah, Lai sun and i settle down and chit-chat, playing games and taking photosssss.ohhh,how long  we didnt sit down properly and chit-chat together? okay! that's all for today!

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