photography+ life

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


yessssssssssssssss! today is 18-4-2012! AM i dreaming ? time flies so fast, my cousin sis from AUSTRALIA is coming back to MALAYSIA today. I never met her so long ( i met her in 2006, in AUSTRALIA) . I even gonna forget how she look like since we never met for a long time . BUT luckily it help me-----FACEBOOK to view her photo in there. Grandpa is going to invite urs for a dinner tonight. GRANDPA is so excited as my aunt never come back for a long time. My cousin sis is also 15 years old,same as mine. BUT, she looked more mature than me. xD

BYE FOR now. GONNA END THIS POST. i am also glad to meet her tonight . HOPE that we can chit-chat together. I am also curious that do u have any bf in AUSTRALIA ? is he chinese or australian?
OKAY! will update my post next time!

stay tuned for the new post : dinner 180412 with her!

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