photography+ life

Saturday, April 28, 2012


WOW! i never update my blog for a longggg time already! hope to update it everyday but i can't!(sad)
NOWADAYS, I had a bad mood (bad like shit)! Y I am in a bad mood? it is all about my friend and my assignment! A lot of argument happened between u and me. YA,u r my bxxt friend,but sometimes i hate your behaviour! i hate your acting! i hate yr stupid decision! BUT, i like to be your friend sometimes! SO,please change a bit your behaviour.
i miss my smile! i hope that i can smile like her! i hope to be a little girl!nothing to let me feel frustated, no homework,no pressure,no exam!

i hope my tomorow will be bright!i hope i can be what i want to be!i hope my dream will come true!i hope all my birthday wishes will become true!

i hope to shoot now! i love photography!i hope to have more time for my photograph! i dont want to do those assignment!

okay,this is a post for me to throw all my sad things out!
stay tuned for my next update( i think it will take a long time for me to update my blog)

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