photography+ life

Sunday, June 16, 2013


hello, it is time to blog now! Havent finish editing my vacation photos and so I am not going to update it on today.Time flies.... Mid-term exam had end and this can also consider as a New school life. Our teacher had also return back all of the exam papers to us. I do feel bad and terrible after receiving my UEC add Maths paper. The worst result i had ever score in my exam. Although it is not too bad for someone, it was just too terrible for me. Seriously, everyone of us fsiled in this paper. I do not really know what is the main reason why they had failed in this paper? But i do know that the main reason i failed in this paper is due to the teacher and maybe because i do not prepare well for this paper. Not the fault that teacher didnt teach us but just the teacher who set the paper was way too bad. Lots of the questions contains mistakes and she didnt inform us earlier. Anyway, lets bygone be bygone. I will try my best to score a better marks in this paper. And i sincerly hope that teacher will always double check the questions before we, the students are gonna sit for the exam. Luckily, the result wasnt that bad like what i had imagined. Phewwwwwwww, this is what student's life after exam....okay! that's all for today! Happy Papa day. Gonna sign off now and go for Fathers Day celebration. Love you forever daddyyyyyy Soong . <3

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